This map is designed to visually demonstrate the geographic distribution of our Members. The boundaries shown do not imply an official endorsement or acceptance by ISO.
France - Association française de normalisation (AFNOR)
Participating Members [18]
Observing Members [23]
Country/Territory | Acronym |
Argentina | IRAM |
Austria | ASI |
Bangladesh | BSTI |
Belarus | BELST |
Colombia | ICONTEC |
Czech Republic | UNMZ |
Egypt | EOS |
Finland | SFS |
Hungary | MSZT |
India | BIS |
Ireland | NSAI |
Korea, Republic of | KATS |
Latvia | LVS |
Mongolia | MASM |
Netherlands | NEN |
Poland | PKN |
Portugal | IPQ |
Singapore | SSC |
Slovakia | UNMS SR |
Sweden | SIS |
Switzerland | SNV |
Türkiye | TSE |
Ukraine | SE UkrNDNC |