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Norma o proyecto Etapa TC
Carbon fibre — Determination of density
95.99 ISO/TC 61/SC 13
Carbon fibre — Determination of density
95.99 ISO/TC 61/SC 13
Carbon fibre — Determination of density
60.60 ISO/TC 61/SC 13
Carbon fibre — Determination of linear density
95.99 ISO/TC 61/SC 13
Carbon fibre — Determination of size content
95.99 ISO/TC 61/SC 13
Carbon fibre — Determination of size content
90.93 ISO/TC 61/SC 13
Carbon fibre — Determination of size content — Technical Corrigendum 1
60.60 ISO/TC 61/SC 13
Carbon fibre — Determination of tensile properties of resin-impregnated yarn
95.99 ISO/TC 61/SC 13
Carbon fibre — Determination of tensile properties of resin-impregnated yarn
90.93 ISO/TC 61/SC 13
Carbon fibre — Determination of the tensile properties of single-filament specimens
90.93 ISO/TC 61/SC 13
Carbon fibre — Determination of filament diameter and cross-sectional area
95.99 ISO/TC 61/SC 13
Carbon fibre — Determination of filament diameter and cross-sectional area
90.93 ISO/TC 61/SC 13
Carbon fibre — Designation system for filament yarns
90.93 ISO/TC 61/SC 13
Carbon fibre — Determination of volume resistivity
90.93 ISO/TC 61/SC 13
Recycled carbon fibre — Determination of tensile strength distribution and interfacial shear strength of single filament embedded in matrix polymer
60.60 ISO/TC 61/SC 13
Textiles — Determination of surface chemical properties of carbon fibres using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
40.20 ISO/TC 38
Carbon fibres — Determination of polyacrylonitrile-based (PAN-based) carbon fibre tow characteristics — Heat transfer parameter
60.60 ISO/TC 61/SC 13
Carbon-fibre-reinforced plastics — Determination of the size and aspect ratio of crushed objects
90.93 ISO/TC 61/SC 13
Carbon-fibre-reinforced plastics — Determination of the size and aspect ratio of crushed objects — Amendment 1
60.60 ISO/TC 61/SC 13

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