When 193 governments came together to agree a common framework to tackle 17 major world issues by 2030, standards were seen as critical to help achieve the United Nations agenda for sustainable development. With over 1 600 standards for the food production sector alone, ISO certainly has the means. But which standards are most relevant, and what kind of benefits – if any – can the food industry expect?
The food journey
Why do food safety outbreaks continue to happen?
We live in a global food economy and most people purchase and consume foods produced thousands of miles away that are often packaged in bulk to simplify food preparation at home and in restaurants. This leaves plenty of opportunity for pathogens to flourish and makes food-related standards that protect public health and reduce the negative social and economic impact of such crises a vital asset for organizations up and down the food chain.
Julio/Agosto 2018
The food journey
A look at the newly published ISO 22000:2018 on food safety management systems.
ISO boasts over 1600 standards for the food production sector alone.
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