ISO 6578:2017 specifies the calculation procedure to convert the volume of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) under the conditions at the time of measurement to the equivalent volume of liquid or vapour at the standard condition, i.e. 15 °C and 101,325 kPaA, or to the equivalent mass or energy (calorific content). It applies to the quantities of refrigerated hydrocarbon liquids stored in or transferred to/from tanks and measured under static storage conditions. Calculation of pressurized gases is out of the scope of ISO 6578:2017.
Informations générales
État actuel: PubliéeDate de publication: 2017-10Stade: Norme internationale à réviser [90.92]
Edition: 2
Comité technique :ISO/TC 28/SC 5ICS :75.180.30
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Prochaine édition en cours d'élaboration

International StandardISO/DIS 6578
Hydrocarbures liquides réfrigérés — Mesurage statique — Procédure de calcul
Reference number
ISO/DIS 6578
ISO/DIS 6578
Edition 1
© ISO 2025
Projet Norme internationale
ISO/DIS 6578
Hydrocarbures liquides réfrigérés — Mesurage statique — Procédure de calcul
Cycle de vie
AnnuléeISO 6578:1991
Sera remplacée par
ProjetISO/DIS 6578