Членство: Орган, являющийся членом

The Institut Sénégalais de Normalisation (ISN) became the Association Sénégalaise de Normalisation (ASN) following a reform on 19 July 2002 by decree 2002-746. It is supervised by the Ministry of Industry.

ASN's mission is to:

  • Identify standards requirements and developing national standards, 
  • Perform product and system certification,
  • To promote quality in order to support the efforts made by economic agents in this field towards customers on the domestic and international markets, by setting up a communication system based on the organisation of documentation and information and the creation of computerised databases and various promotional products, 
  • Represent Senegal in regional and international standardisation bodies.

ASN is responsible for coordinating the National Quality Policy adopted by Decree 2017-461 of 21 March 2017, which aims to establish a favourable and appropriate framework for the development and operation of a suitable, relevant and efficient National Quality Infrastructure.

Association Sénégalaise de Normalisation

Avenue Bourguiba,
Immeuble Serigne Saliou MBACKE 7ème étage,
prés Jet d’Eau
Dakar BP:4037

Тел.: +221 33 829 58 25
Факс: +221 33 827 64 12
E-mail: asn@asn.sn

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