Подкомитет Заголовок подкомитета Опубликованные стандарты Стандарты, находящиеся на стадии разработки
ISO/TC 201/SC 1 Terminology 3 0
ISO/TC 201/SC 2 General procedures 9 0
ISO/TC 201/SC 3 Data management and treatment 5 1
ISO/TC 201/SC 4 Depth profiling 6 0
ISO/TC 201/SC 6 Mass spectrometries 12 2
ISO/TC 201/SC 7 Electron spectroscopies 24 2
ISO/TC 201/SC 8 Glow discharge spectroscopy 6 4
ISO/TC 201/SC 9 Scanning probe microscopy 8 3
ISO/TC 201/SC 10 X-ray Reflectometry (XRR) and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analysis 1 3
Фильтр :
Стандарт и/или проект находящийся в компетенции ISO/TC 201 Секретариата Этап ICS
SCA –Surface chemical analysis of bacteria and biofilms
Surface chemical analysis — Determination of surface elemental contamination on silicon wafers by total-reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) spectroscopy
Surface chemical analysis — Determination of surface elemental contamination on silicon wafers by total-reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) spectroscopy
Evaluation of thickness, density and interface width of thin films by X-ray reflectometry — Instrumental requirements, alignment and positioning, data collection, data analysis and reporting
Evaluation of thickness, density and interface width of thin films by X-ray reflectometry — Instrumental requirements, alignment and positioning, data collection, data analysis and reporting
Surface chemical analysis — Chemical methods for the collection of elements from the surface of silicon-wafer working reference materials and their determination by total-reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) spectroscopy
Surface chemical analysis — Chemical methods for the collection of elements from the surface of silicon-wafer working reference materials and their determination by total-reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) spectroscopy — Amendment 1
Surface chemical analysis — Surface characterization — Measurement of the lateral resolution of a confocal fluorescence microscope
Surface chemical analysis — Use of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy in biological and environmental analysis
Surface chemical analysis — Characterization of functional glass substrates for biosensing applications
Surface chemical analysis — Measurement of lateral and axial resolutions of a Raman microscope
Surface chemical analysis — Specimen taking, storage, and transport of biological specimens
Surface chemical analysis — Determination of the minimum detectability of surface plasmon resonance device

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