International Standard
ISO/DIS 22552
Space systems — Manufacturing readiness review
Reference number
ISO/DIS 22552
Edition 1
Проект Международный стандарт
ISO/DIS 22552
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ISO/DIS 22552

ISO/DIS 22552
CHF 65
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This document provides general requirements of Manufacturing Readiness Review (MRR), for space products, sometimes termed Production Readiness Review, including initiate process, implement process, conclude process and closed-loop process of MRR. The Manufacturing Readiness Review (MRR) is a formal examination to determine if the design (of product definition and requirements, manufacturing documentation, processes, personnel, materials and parts, facilities, etc.) is ready for production. Depending on the space system, the objectives of MRR could be performed through other existing reviews named differently and within the project/programme. The MRR could be repeated during the production phase. The typical programme milestone (phase ending) to operate MRR is detailed design stage during or at the end of development phase. The typical milestone criteria are the completion of production plan. This document is applicable to Manufacturing Readiness Review management.

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