ISO 17744:2004 describes procedures for determining the specific volume of plastics as a function of temperature and pressure in both the molten and solid states.
The standard specifies the use of a piston-equipped apparatus in which the test sample, held in a measurement cell, is pressurized by means of the piston. Measurements under conditions of constant pressure or constant temperature can be made. In the constant-pressure mode, the maximum heating and cooling rates permissible are restricted to 5 °C/min.
By using these procedures, it is possible to obtain:
- pvT diagrams that represent the relationship which exists between pressure, specific volume and temperature for a given material;
- compressibility and volumetric thermal-expansion coefficients;
- information on first-order and glass transitions as a function of temperature and pressure.
General information
Status: Under developmentStage: Proof sent to secretariat or FDIS ballot initiated: 8 weeks [50.20]
Edition: 2Number of pages: 18
Technical Committee :ISO/TC 61/SC 5ICS :83.080.01
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PublishedISO 17744:2004